There is going to come a time in your Network Marketing business where your time is going to be very valuable and you’re not going to have the time that you would like to spend with new members that join you in business. That’s when you’re going to have to “Point People at Tools!” I learned that at “Live the Dream” in Las Vegas from a very successful Network Marketer named Jerry Clark. It helps if you have a system for training new team members to be able to point them at a tool that will help train them and solve their problem at the same time.
A good example of this would be when you are trying to teach a new team member about “Attraction Marketing.” If you have been around the internet for any amount of time or in the Network Marketing Industry you may know that Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring book is the best tool to point a new team member at to help them understand the principles of Attraction Marketing. By pointing your new team member at a tool of the industry that will help answer their questions or solve their problems, you’re teaching them a valuable lesson to be passed on to new team members that they bring onto their team.
By teaching others you ensure their success, and as a leader it is your responsibility to provide you new team members with the tools, training and leadership they need to become leaders themselves. The best tools to point new members at are the ones that you’re using yourself because those are the ones that you have experience with and will be able to answer questions about that particular tool.
If you’re struggling at building your network marketing business or you don’t have or know about the specific tools that are needed to build your business or if you up-line does not have a simple step-by-step blue print for success or a simple marketing system to get you in profit as quick as possible, click here for INSTANT ACCESS!
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You have the monopoly on ufeusl information—aren’t monopolies illegal? 😉