The ONE THING That The 97 Percent That Fail In Network Marketing Lack!

by Steven Dobson · 0 comments

If you listened to the statistics about the Network Marketing Industry, you would know that there is a 97 Percent failure rate associated with this industry. If you have been around the industry for any amount of time you would have also heard the statistic that most people only sponsor about 2.6 people into their business opportunity. Ladies and gentlemen, sponsoring 2.6 people into this industry will not help you build the long term residual income that you desire! Keep reading and you will learn the one thing that the 97 percent that fail in network marketing lack!

Unless you are very lucky or know two six or 7-figure network marketing earners that are going to join you in business, chances are you will become part of the 97 percent that fail, and as much as I want everyone that enters this industry to succeed, there will be many that join the ranks of those that have tried and failed. It’s not your fault that you have not been taught the one thing that will help you succeed where others have failed.

When you joined your network marketing opportunity you made a decision to “leverage” the power of your business opportunity. You decided to “leverage” a product or service that you did not have to spend your hard earned money to create. You decided to “leverage” the success of the business owner that owns the product or service that you are selling. The problem is that no one taught you how to use the “leverage” and power of the internet to build a successful network marketing business. You see ladies and gentlemen, “LEVERAGE” is the one thing that the 97 percent that fail in network marketing lack!

LEVERAGE is what your employer uses to live his or her dream when they offer us a job in exchange for money. The more employees your employer has the more he or she is able to leverage you and your co-workers time to make him or her money. The Network Marketing Industry offers anyone the opportunity to use the power of “LEVERAGE” to earn a full-time income from the comfort of their home with little to no experience and little to no money to get started, but you have to be willing to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful in this industry. Most people (the 97 percent that fail) don’t take the time to learn the necessary skills and knowledge and leave the industry within 90 days thinking it was the business opportunity and not their lack of business building skills.

Social Media is one of those business building skills that you will have to master to build a long term residual income. For a free recorded webinar about using leverage and the power of Social Media to build your business, click on the “Social Media” hyperlink!

Marketing your business opportunity is the only way that you’re going to create exposure and sales. For free access to 25 Marketing Strategies to create a long term residual income from the comfort of your home, click the link above.

Facebook is the fastest growing online social networking site today, and if you’re not using Facebook to generate leads and sales you’re going to get left behind. Here’s a link to get Free Facebook training that will show you how to get Famous in 60 Days using the power and “LEVERAGE of Facebook!

Leads are the life blood of any business and if you’re not generating enough leads for your Network Marketing business, it’s equivalent to having a brick and mortar business and not having any customers walk through the door. Here’s another link to free training that will show you how to get Limitless Leads For Life!

This industry has always been about “LEVERAGE!” You leverage the time and efforts of those that you already know and those that you meet and build a relationship with; and you teach them to do the same thing. When you teach others that have joined you in business and they start to duplicate, you will have mastered the one thing that the 97 percent that fail in Network Marketing lack, and that’s LEVERAGE!

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