The Truth About Internet Marketing

by Steven Dobson · 24 comments

If you’re new to Internet Marketing, you owe it to yourself and your business to find out the truth about Internet Marketing before you spend your hard earned money on a business model that may not be right for you.

Truth Number 1: There is no shortcut to success in Internet Marketing! Anyone telling you anything different is lying to you and hoping to take advantage of your naivety, lack of experience, lack of knowledge, you fill in the noun.

Building a successful Internet or Network Marketing business is a full time job although there are people doing it part-time because they are still employed and could be waiting for their Internet Marketing income to equal or surpass their income from their 9 to 5 before they become fulltime Internet Marketers. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. To become successful in this industry, you have to put in the work.

Truth Number 2: Being an Internet Marketer requires focus.

Too many Internet Marketers follow too many Internet Marketing Gurus or Top Earners and lose focus on the reason they are in business or started a business. It’s good to have a coach or a mentor that is concerned with teaching you or guiding you in the right direction, but when you get 10 or more emails a day from different Internet Marketing Professionals, you’re going to suffer from information overload. If you’re getting more emails about product launches than you’re getting about information that’s going to help you build a successful business, then you may want to consider unsubscribing from the list that are not helping you build the Internet business you desire.

Truth Number 3: You need to invest in your Internet Marketing business and in yourself! Anyone telling you anything different is lying to you and hoping to take advantage of your naivety, lack of experience, lack of knowledge, you fill in the noun.

Too often good people fall for the outright lies that some Internet Marketers tell them to get them to join their business. Run and don’t look back or click and don’t go back to any website that tells you any of the following:


First, NO SELLING, without the sale of a product or service, how are you going to get paid? Internet Marketers that tell you there is “no selling” are lying through their teeth to get a quick sale or sign up an unsuspecting prospect. They seem to have forgotten that a part of their business is “MARKETING” which entails “the act of buying or selling in a market.”

Second, NO ADVERTISING, again lies, more lies, and damn lies! The website that you read “NO ADVERTISING” is an advertisement itself to sell you a product or service, or an advertisement to get you to sign up for a free product or service, or to get you to sign up for a Newsletter. Either the Internet Marketer that wrote the “advertisement” doesn’t understand what he or she is doing when they use such language (and that’s a possibility if they are listening to a sponsor that told them what to do because that is how they built their business) or they are feeding you a line of BS to get you to part with your hard earned money.

If the “advertisement” that you read is telling you that there is “NO RECRUITING,” and they are asking you to purchase a product or service or asking you to sign up for their Newsletter or anything, they are recruiting you to be a customer or a subscriber.

You can say that I saved the best for last! This one is pretty hard to understand why a person with any amount of education would say “WE DO ALL THE WORK” when it comes to their Internet Marketing Business. This is also why there is such a high failure rate in this industry. When you lead people to believe that they don’t have to do any work and they will get paid, you are in fact setting them up for failure and outright lying to them. I refer back to my comment above: “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.

You cannot build a successful Internet Marketing business without putting in the work that is required to build a list of repeat customers. You cannot build a list of repeat customers if you have not built a relationship with your prospects and they know and respect you.

The truth about Internet Marketing is that you have to do all the things that I have covered in this article and a whole lot more. Failing to learn everything that you can about Internet Marketing and not applying what you learn will lead to frustration and failure.

You can become a Rock Star and a Top Producer in your company when you know the truth about internet marketing. By getting access to the same system used by Top Earners in Internet Marketing and the and using the same tools, you can start getting the leads and cash flow that your business deserves. Success is not difficult once you have someone to show you the right way, and our Business Building Academy will teach you everything you need to build a successful business.


If Your Company or Up-line Does Not Have A Step-by-Step Blueprint For Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) Click Here For INSTANT ACCESS!

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