Has Your Network Marketing Product or Service Increased In Value?

by Steven Dobson · 0 comments

It’s surprising that question is even a consideration given that fact that most network marketing products and services are consumable and are less likely to increase in value over time. With over 5000 Network Marketing Companies the range of products and services provided is limited to a few choices. You have Health & Wellness, Information Products, Cosmetics and Skin Care, Household Products, and Services (Travel, Financial, Legal, and Discount Programs). However, when you have the perfect product that is an asset, you can ask the question “Has Your Network Marketing Product or Service Increased In Value?”

Since December 31, 2010 the price of silver has risen approximately 50% from its close of $30.18 on that day to $46.59 on April 21, 2011. Why is the price of silver going up when everything else seems to be heading in the opposite direction? It’s because the U.S. Dollar is weak and when the dollar is weak people turn to precious metals and right now the dollar is very weak and silver is very strong. Not only has silver gone up in value since the beginning of the year, so has Gold and it has reached an all time high of over $1500 an ounce.

Most of the time when you hear about a hot opportunity, it’s late in the game and there is very little room to make much more money; that’s not true when your products are Gold and Silver Collectible Coins and the price of Gold and Silver is on the rise. To sweeten the deal you get a 5-Year 100% Buy Back Guarantee meaning in five years from the date of purchase Numis will buy back any coins purchased through their “Coin of the Month Program.”

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain because historically Collectible Coins have gone up in value. For more information on this, please conduct your own research. In the meantime click the following link to find out how “Numis Network has made being a Network Marketer a No Brainer!”

If you’re looking for a legitimate opportunity where you can start earning money from day one; click here to find out more about the opportunity avail to you as a Numis Network Representative, and join the small group of entrepreneurs that are asking other Network Marketers “Has Your Network Marketing Product or Service Increased In Value?”

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