How to Make Money In A Global Connected Community

by Steven Dobson · 0 comments

Regardless of how you look at or think about it, we live in a global connected community. The internet has connected us globally and we can now reach out to people in other countries in seconds versus days or weeks before we had the internet. The question that you have to answer for yourself is “how to make money in a global connected community?”

Prior to the internet corporations had to build brick and mortar businesses in the countries that they wanted to do business in. Today we have individuals in Internet Marketing Companies building their teams internationally that are thankful for the internet. When you are not limited by borders, you can reach a wider customer base to sell your goods and services.

The idea of doing business internationally is nothing new. Columbus discovered that the United States existed when he was sailing the seas trying to find India because his country wanted to trade goods with a foreign country. You just have to figure out how you can turn an idea that you have or take someone else’s idea and turn it into a way for you to make money in this global connect community that we live.

Have you read or heard of the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill that was written in 1937? It was written over 75 years ago and is now a part of Public Domain. Meaning the public is free to use it as they see fit and now you have books that are written for specific industries using “Think and Grow Rich” as part of their titles. This is a prime example of taking someone else’s idea and improving it and making it your own.

Companies that are international and do business online give you the greatest opportunity to make money in a global connected community. You just have to find a company with a product or service that you want to sell and become a Representative, Affiliate or Independent Business Owner (IBO) for and start building your brand recognition.

Fortune 500 Companies do this when they have social media pages like Face Book Fan Pages. That’s why companies like Coca-Cola, Victoria Secrets, Pepsi, and Mercedes Benz are online. They continue to build their Brand recognition globally without the high cost of paying for television ads. That’s what having an international team will do for any business that you represent will do for you.

There are many Internet Marketing Companies that are doing business internationally. If you have the knowledge and skills that are needed to build an international team, you can become a representative, Affiliate or IBO for one of those companies and possibly make a substantial income.

If you lack those skills you can find a company that is expanding internationally and become a representative, Affiliate or IBO for that company and learn the skills that are needed and grow your business internationally as that company expands from one country to another.

Today, you have the opportunity to become an IBO for such a company. They are expanding internationally, and those that are already an IBO and have met certain requirements, new IBO that fulfill those requirements will be on their team and helping them grow their business internationally.

It could take years for you to build an international team, but if you join our team, complete a few requirements before the company starts its international expansion next month (March 2017), you can start building an international business in less than two weeks.

I want to make money in a globally connected community!

Making money in a global connected community has just gotten easier. You just have to decide if you want to be a part of the globally connected economy that we now live. I have provided you with what I believe is a way for you to answer the question “How to make money in a global connected community?” All you have to do is click the link below to find out for yourself if this is something that you want to be a part of and use so that you and your family can start living the good life!

Show me how to make money in a global connected community!

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